Taking Your Diet on Holiday

Being on holiday whilst trying to maintain some sort of diet can sound like an absolute nightmare, and it is definitely true that following a healthy meal plan is difficult, not just because you are away from home, but because you are surrounded by all manner of amazing and different foods, especially when you are […]
The Whole 30 Diet

For most people, a diet is a lifelong choice, or at least a very long term one. But, oddly enough, there are a bunch of fads and craze based diets out there that some claim can make positive changes to your health and wellbeing. One of these is the ‘Whole 30’ diet, which is a […]

In recent years, the FODMAP diet (short for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols) has gained popularity due to an increased knowledge of the effects of certain foods. In particular the diet is based around avoiding certain groups of carbs that are known to trigger issues for people with a sensitive gut, mainly due to […]
Vegetarian Dietary Benefits

With vegan diets making headlines in recent years, it is easy to assume that the traditional vegetarian diet is all but gone. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Whilst not as extreme as veganism, there are still many who follow a specifically vegetarian diet thanks to its health and ethical benefits. One of […]
A Keto Based Diet

One of the biggest dietary movements in recent years has been the keto diet. Broadly accepted as a replacement for the Atkins diet (which is fraught with problems) it intends to reduce carbohydrate intake, replacing carbs with fats and sending the body into a state known as ketosis. Ketosis is the process where the body […]
The Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Veganism is something which has gone from somewhat of a niche, often parodied movement into a mainstream, respected dietary and lifestyle choice. Based around a respect for all life, it seeks to eschew any products (be they food, drink, clothes or household goods) that are related to animals suffering or dying. However, the health benefits […]
In Men – Is It Bad?

Ask most men about how much oestrogen they get in their diet and they will probably laugh at you to start off with, before secretly worrying that consuming or producing this ‘female’ hormone is going to slowly turn them into a woman. This miseducation is forgivable though; the simple fact is that there is not […]
Causes of Hormonal Imbalances in Men

Forgetting age for a second, as this is something that hits us all, and throwing hormonal replacements out the window (their very existence is to facilitate a hormonal change!) there are plenty of other things that men do, sometimes on a daily basis, to sabotage healthy hormone production. Here are some of the most common […]
Hormones and Male Weight Gain

As we get older, there are a few subtle (and not so subtle!) changes that occur within the male body, and nearly all of them are helped along in some way thanks to hormones. It has been firmly established that weight, muscle mass, sex drive and even bone density (particularly relevant when we think about […]
Male Hormones and Fitness Performance

We’ve probably all heard stories about avid gym goers and athletes, both professional and amateur, resorting to the use of hormones in an attempt to boost their performance. It’s not uncommon, as nearly everyone knows that athletic performance is based partly around a healthy hormonal system. There are a range of links between hormones and […]